Where am I? What is this?
This repository contains the latest versions of my R packages that aren’t suitable for CRAN. At present, that’s the following data packages:
. Vaccination Exemptions in California Kindergartens.congress
. US Congressional Representatives 1945-2019.covdata
. COVID-19 related data from a variety of sources.covmobility
. COVID-19 related data from Apple and Google.gssr
. Provides data files from the General Social Survey.nycdogs
. Datasets on dog licenses, bites, and locations in New York City.ukelection2019
. Candidate-level vote data within constituencies for the 2019 UK General Election.uscenpops
. Annual decennial and intercensal estimates of the US Population by year of age and sex, from 1900 to 2019
These are all data packages, which is what makes them unsuitable for hosting CRAN. The benefit of a drat
archive like this is that you can install and upgrade non-CRAN packages directly from R using the standard install.packages()
and update.packages()
functions. What you need to do is, install drat
and then use it to make R aware of this repository. Like so:
if (!require("drat")) {
Once you’ve done that, you can then do this, for example:
To ensure that this drat repository is always available to you in R, you can add the following line to your .Rprofile
or .Rprofile.site
This will allow you to use, e.g., install.packages("nycdogs")
or update.packages("nycdogs")
Learn More
For more on using drat (a package by Dirk Eddelbuettel), see this vignette.