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zoomchattr takes the directory of Zoom chat files that’s been accumulating on your computer for the past two years, parses them either individually or en masse, and makes them into a tibble with one chat message per row.


You can install the development version of zoomchattr like so:



On my Mac, Zoom stores chat files and recordings in ~/Documents/Zoom. Each meeting is a separate folder which can possibly contain a text file named either chat.txt or meeting_saved_chat.txt. Zoom chat files come in two varieties, depending on the Zoom version. The package has functions to read both kinds, but the main function should read both types. Either zip up your ~/Documents/Zoom folder (or equivalent) and unzip it in your project directory, or get the files directly from their source. (The package does not edit or overwrite any chat transcripts, it just reads them in). For example, to get the filenames them from the native directory on a Mac, do e.g.


fnames <- get_zoom_names(path = "~/Documents/Zoom")

#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23  Data Wrangling with R (April 2022)/meeting_saved_chat.txt
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 16.12.25  Data Wrangling with R (April 2022)/meeting_saved_chat.txt
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-22 10.10.36  Data Wrangling with R (April 2022)/meeting_saved_chat.txt
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-22 16.06.06  Data Wrangling with R (April 2022)/meeting_saved_chat.txt
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-23 10.34.58  Data Wrangling with R (April 2022)/meeting_saved_chat.txt

Then, read in the files with parse_all_zoom_chat():

df <- parse_all_zoom_chat(fnames)

#> [1] 111   5

#> [1] "file"    "time"    "from"    "to"      "message"

#> A tibble: 6 × 5
#> file                                               time                from          to          message                                       
#> <chr>                                              <dttm>              <chr>         <chr>       <chr>                                         
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23… 2022-04-21 10:11:23 Kaity       Kieran Hea… "Hi Kieran, I’ll be logging out now. Please t…
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23… 2022-04-21 11:04:58 lausmither… Kieran Hea… "How do you get to R studio preferences with …
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23… 2022-04-21 11:05:28 Kieran Healy laursmither… "It should be under \"Tools > Global Options”"
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23… 2022-04-21 11:07:56 lauraabcder… Kieran Hea… "Ok thx"                                      
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23… 2022-04-21 11:21:12 Laura Grpea… Everyone    "Is there a keyboard shortcut for the pipe op…
#> /Users/kjhealy/Documents/Zoom/2022-04-21 10.11.23… 2022-04-21 11:23:06 Taylor Fnam… Everyone    "Ctrl + Shift + M (Windows)"                  

Individual chat files can be parsed with parse_zoom_chat(), which takes a single file path only.