A dataset containing data on rates of organ donation for seventeen OECD countries between 1991 and 2002. The variables are as follows:



A (tibble) data frame with 237 rows and 21 variables.


Macro-economic and spending data: OECD. Other data: Kieran Healy.


  • country. Country name.

  • year. Year.

  • donors. Organ Donation rate per million population.

  • pop. Population in thousands.

  • pop_dens. Population density per square mile.

  • gdp. Gross Domestic Product in thousands of PPP dollars.

  • gdp_lag. Lagged Gross Domestic Product in thousands of PPP dollars.

  • health. Health spending, thousands of PPP dollars per capita.

  • health_lag Lagged health spending, thousands of PPP dollars per capita.

  • pubhealth. Public health spending as a percentage of total expenditure.

  • roads. Road accident fatalities per 100,000 population.

  • cerebvas. Cerebrovascular deaths per 100,000 population (rounded).

  • assault. Assault deaths per 100,000 population (rounded).

  • external. Deaths due to external causes per 100,000 population.

  • txp_pop. Transplant programs per million population.

  • world. Welfare state world (Esping Andersen.)

  • opt. Opt-in policy or Opt-out policy.

  • consent_law. Consent law, informed or presumed.

  • consent_practice. Consent practice, informed or presumed.

  • consistent. Law consistent with practice, yes or no.

  • ccode. Abbreviated country code.