Property information for a GSS variable or variables

gss_get_props(varnames = "id", data = gss_doc, props = properties)



The variable or variables you want to see properties for. Can be a character string or a character vector.


The codebook data frame, by default gss_doc


Which properties. Not needed for gss_doc, but one of properties_1, properties_2, or properties_3 when data is gss_panel_docw.


A tibble of the properties for each variable


Returns the properties of a GSS variable as given in the codebook, typically the Data Type, Missing Data Codes, and Record/Column location.


Kieran Healy


# \donttest{
gss_get_props(varnames = "age")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   variable property           value     id   
#>   <chr>    <chr>              <chr>     <chr>
#> 1 age      Data type          numeric   AGE  
#> 2 age      Missing-data codes 0,98,99   AGE  
#> 3 age      Record/columns     1/233-234 AGE  

gss_get_props(varnames = c("age", "race", "fefam"))
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   variable property           value     id   
#>   <chr>    <chr>              <chr>     <chr>
#> 1 age      Data type          numeric   AGE  
#> 2 age      Missing-data codes 0,98,99   AGE  
#> 3 age      Record/columns     1/233-234 AGE  
#> 4 race     Data type          numeric   RACE 
#> 5 race     Missing-data code  0         RACE 
#> 6 race     Record/column      1/298     RACE 
#> 7 fefam    Data type          numeric   FEFAM
#> 8 fefam    Missing-data codes 0,8,9     FEFAM
#> 9 fefam    Record/column      1/1114    FEFAM
# }